Somatic Therapy | Psychology Today UK

A new form of psychological treatment, called somatic therapy, may help people who suffer from mental illness. Within somatic therapy, as the therapist walks their patient through a traumatic event, they note any particular physical responses that the patient goes through. This helps the patient develop a better sense of connection between their mind and body. It allows them to separate from the physical responses of their trauma, thus giving them a chance to cope with their illness better.

Key Takeaways:

  • Somatic therapy is useful for those who suffer from problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and addiction.
  • The therapy is rooted in the notion that past traumatic events can affect the central nervous system.
  • The therapy helps patients release tension, anger and frustration from past negative experiences.

“Somatic therapy combines talk therapy with what are sometimes considered alternative forms of physical therapy. The therapist helps you revive memories of traumatic experiences and pays attention to any physical responses you have once the memory is recovered.”

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