Please note these ‘Terms and Conditions’ may be subject to change without notice.


  • Before booking a course, please ensure you have read the course content to ensure the course will meet your training needs and that you are able to meet pre-requisites, where stated.
  • If a course registration/booking form/telephone booking is completed by an individual other than the named candidate, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure the candidate is suitable for the course and has the relevant experience.  For guidance on selecting suitable candidates to join the Train the Trainer course, see our Trainer Recruitment Document
  • All bookings remain PROVISIONAL until an authorised person from your organisation has agreed to our terms and conditions using our online booking confirmation system (a link to this system will be forwarded to you by email at the time of booking).
  • We require a 30% NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT payment in order to secure a booking.
  • You will be asked to complete a Training Needs Analysis to ensure the course meets the needs of your organisation.  If you have previously completed a TNA you will only be asked to confirm that there have been no changes.
  • Upon completion of the above process, your place(s) will be CONFIRMED and you will receive an agreement with all of the details of the course.


Important note: +ProActive Approaches Limited acceptance of your booking brings into existence a legally binding contract between us on these terms and conditions and cancellation policy. Any term sought to be imposed by you in any purchase order or correspondence will not form part of the contract.


Train the Trainer Course Places

Train the Trainer Course Places (OPEN Courses) for bookings madebefore 30 days of course start dateUpon acceptance of a booking confirmation, a 30% deposit is payable immediately. Final invoices (remaining course fees after paying the initial 30% deposit) for Train the Trainer open courses are payable 30 days before the first day of the course. Places that are not paid in full 30 days before the first day of the course will be released and offered to delegates on the waiting list. Cancellation terms for released places will remain (please see below).

Train the Trainer Course Places (OPEN Courses) for bookings made within 30 days of the course start dateWhen a booking is made within 30 days of the course’s start date, the full invoice amount is payable at the time of booking. Once confirmed, places that are not paid in full within a 24-hour period will be released. Cancellation terms for released places will remain (please see below).

Train the Trainer Course Places (CLOSED Courses) for bookings made before 30 days of course start dateUpon acceptance of a booking confirmation, a 30% deposit is payable immediately.  Final invoices (remaining course fees after paying the initial 30% deposit) for closed Train the Trainer course places are payable 30 days before the first day of the course. Closed courses require a minimum of 6 delegates, additional delegates may be added after the point of booking and will be invoiced separately. For any additional delegates (above the minimum of 6) We require full and final confirmation of delegate numbers at least 30 days before the first day of the course to allow for administration and printing of course materials. Cancellation terms for the first 6 delegates will remain (please see below). If any additional delegate (above the minimum of 6)  is unable to attend, they will be offered a place on an alternative open national course. Should they not wish to attend the alternative course 50% of the final invoice for their place on the original course is payable.

Train the Trainer Course Places (CLOSED Courses) for bookings made within 30 days of the course start dateWhen a booking is made within 30 days of the course’s start date, the full invoice amount is payable at the time of booking. Closed courses require a minimum of 6 delegates and we require full and final confirmation of delegate numbers at the time of booking to allow for administration and printing of course materials. Cancellation terms for the first 6 delegates will remain (please see below). If any additional delegate (above the minimum of 6)  is unable to attend, they will be offered a place on an alternative open national course. Should they not wish to attend the alternative course 50% of the final invoice for their place on the original course is payable.

Direct Delivery Courses (where one of our trainers is booked to deliver directly to your staff)

Direct Delivery courses for bookings made before 30 days of course start dateUpon acceptance of a booking confirmation, a 30% deposit is payable immediately. Final invoices (remaining course fees after paying the initial 30% deposit) for direct delivery courses are payable 30 days before the first day of the course.  Cancellation terms will remain (please see below)

Direct Delivery courses for bookings made within 30 days of the course start date – When a booking is made within 30 days of the course’s start date, the full invoice amount is payable at the time of booking. Cancellation terms will remain (please see below)

Payment must be made in pounds Sterling by credit/debit card or BACS payment (Bank details can be found on all invoices).

If any amount properly due to +ProActive Approaches Limited under or in connection with these terms and conditions remains outstanding beyond the due date +ProActive Approaches Limited may:

  • Charge interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 5% per annum above the base rate of Lloyds Bank PLC from time to time (which interest will accrue daily until the date of actual payment, be compounded quarterly, and be payable on demand)
  • Claim interest and statutory compensation pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998).


All requests for cancellations and/or transfers must be received in writing.

Changes will become effective on the date of written confirmation being received.

The appropriate cancellation charge will apply based on the cost of your booking, as shown below*.

*excluding extenuating circumstances which will be at the sole discretion of +ProActive Approaches Limited.

Cancellation Policy

Calendar days notice before the start date of the course

Cancellation fees applicable

Between 31 and 56 calendar days (inclusive)

25% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

Between 15 and 30 calendar days (inclusive)

50% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

Less than 14 days before the first day of the course

100% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

Failure to attend

Treated as late cancellation and no refund will be given  and 100% of any outstanding course fees become due.

Transfer Terms and Conditions for all Courses:

Train The Trainer Courses Date Change:

Calendar Days Notice before the start date of the course

Fees Applicable                                                           

42 days +

No charge

31 – 41 calendar days in advance of the course start date

20% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

15 – 30 calendar days in advance of the course start date

30% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

8  – 14 calendar days in advance of the course start date

60% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

0 – 7 calendar days in advance of the course start date

80% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

  1. We will accept alternative delegate/s for the same dates should the person or persons be unable to attend, see below for details. 
  2. Charges listed above will apply for course bookings that are transferred to an alternative date within the timescales set out.
  3. All requests for transfers must be received in writing.
  4. A name change is free of charge.
  5. Failure to attend the course will be treated as a late cancellation, no refund will be given and 100% of any outstanding course fees become due.
  6. Date change fees must be paid in full before new dates can be confirmed.
  7. All transfers must be taken within 6 months of the original booking


In the event of there being insufficient numbers booked onto a course, +ProActive Approaches Limited reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course.

In the event of cancellation or postponement of a course by +ProActive Approaches Limited, we will endeavour to inform all participants 7 working days before the 1st day of the course.

All course fees paid will be reimbursed in full, or the payment will be transferred in full to another +ProActive Approaches Limited course. +ProActive Approaches Limited shall not accept liability for any consequential loss and shall have no liability to reimburse any other costs that may have been incurred, including transport costs or accommodation etc.

Direct Delivery Courses Date Change:

Calendar Days Notice before the start date of the course

Fees Applicable                                                           

42 days +

No charge

31 – 41 calendar days in advance of the course start date

20% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

15 – 30 calendar days in advance of the course start date

30% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

8  – 14 calendar days in advance of the course start date

60% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

0 – 7 calendar days in advance of the course start date

80% of the remainder of the course fees excluding the deposit.

  1. Charges listed above will apply for course bookings that are transferred to an alternative date within the timescales set out.
  2. All requests for transfers must be received in writing.
  3. Date change fees must be paid in full before new dates can be confirmed.
  4. All transfers must be taken within 6 months of the original booking



  • Candidates will receive joining instructions via email to the email address provided.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual completing the course registration/booking form to ensure joining instructions are received by the candidate. Instructions will be sent via email to the email address provided.
  • If the joining instructions are not received, it is the responsibility of the individual who booked the course to contact +ProActive Approaches Limited to arrange for them to be re-issued.
  • Failure to attend the course will result in the full cost being incurred.
  • +ProActive Approaches Limited will send all correspondence primarily via email to the email address provided on the booking form. If alternative details are received after the booking form has been submitted, they will supersede the original details and all future correspondence will be sent to the new address.
  • No certificate(s) shall be issued whilst there is an outstanding balance (including interest on overdue balances and statutory compensation) due to +ProActive Approaches Limited.
  • Lost Certificates – The fee for reissuing lost certificates is £5.00 per certificate.
  • +ProActive Approaches Limited reserves the right to change the content and timing of the programme, the date, the venue or the tutor should this become necassery due to reasons outside of our control.


(costs at set rates below, unless agreed otherwise)

Direct Delivery Courses – where we come to you to deliver to your staff directly

  • Accommodation (if required – travelling distance over 1 hour) £85.00 per night, £110.00 in London.
  • Mileage – 45p per mile (All mileage calculated by using Google maps data via postcode to postcode).
  • Trainer subsistence – £25.00 per night


‘Train the Trainer’ National Courses – attendance by your staff on one of our hosted ‘National’ courses

  • No additional costs


‘Train the Trainer’ CLOSED Courses – Dedicated closed course – where we come to you to deliver ‘in house’

  • Accommodation (if required – travelling distance over 1 hour) £85.00 per night, £110.00 in London.
  • Mileage – 45p per mile (All mileage calculated by using Google maps data via postcode to postcode).
  • Trainer subsistence – £25.00 per night


  • Accommodation, travel and evening meal are the responsibility of the candidate for ‘Train the Trainer’ National Courses.
  • A buffet lunch and refreshments are provided for ‘Train the Trainer’ National Courses (included in the course cost).
  • For ‘In House’ staff courses and ‘Closed’ Train the Trainer Courses, the hosting organisation provides the venue, food & refreshments.


The Client accepts responsibility for the behaviour of its nominees in full and undertakes to indemnify +ProActive Approaches Limited against damages and/or personal injury caused to its servants, agents or property as a result of the actions or defaults of its nominees whilst on the training premises. All events are held in well-equipped training centres or hotels. Full venue details will be sent with booking confirmation.


All copyrights and other intellectual property rights relating to any course material provided in connection with the Course remain the sole property of +ProActive Approaches Limited. No part of any course material may be copied or translated in any form without the prior approval in writing of the Company.


Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Company’s negligence, or as expressly provided in these Conditions, ProActive Approaches Limited shall not be liable to the Client by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of the Company its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the Training Course and the entire liability of +ProActive Approaches Limited under or in connection with the Contract shall not exceed the amount of the Company’s charges for the provision of the Training Course except as expressly provided in these Conditions.

+ProActive Approaches Limited shall not be liable to the Client or be deemed in breach of contract by reason of any delay or failure to perform any of the Company’s obligations in relation to the Training Course if this was due to any cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control.


  • If you are unable to attend any of the course due to extenuating circumstances you must inform +ProActive Approaches Limited in writing.
  • If you were unable to attend due to illness you must provide evidence in the form of a doctor’s note.


+ProActive Approaches Limited shall not be liable to refund of fees or for any other penalty should courses or consultancy be cancelled due to war, government action (law or recommendations), plague, epidemic, pandemic (inc COVID19), fire, strike, lock-out, industrial action, tempest, accident, civil disturbance or any other cause whatsoever beyond their control.

This list is non-exhaustive.


These terms and conditions, together with the current +ProActive Approaches Limited website prices, course details and contact details, set out the whole of our agreement relating to the supply of the course and associated materials and services to you by +ProActive Approaches Limited.

These terms and conditions cannot be varied except in writing signed by a Director of +ProActive Approaches Limited. In particular, no terms and conditions incorporated within your ‘Booking Confirmation’ and nothing said by any person on behalf of +ProActive Approaches Limited should be understood as a variation of these terms and conditions or as an authorised representation about the nature or quality of any goods or services offered for sale by +ProActive Approaches Limited.  +ProActive Approaches Limited shall have no liability for any such representation being untrue or misleading.

Our goal is to enhance quality of life for everyone with a compelling emphasis on the benefits of healthy, therapeutic relationships. We do this by delivering trauma and research-informed, attachment aware education with a strong focus on reducing restrictive practices & restraint (#AimingForZero).

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