Rejection: The Crisis of Belonging

Developmental psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner once said that every child needs an adult who is irrationally crazy about them. Having a nurturing caregiver and consistent family processes fulfills their need for belonging. However, many children experience trauma or toxic stress. The National Center for Traumatic Stress Network has issued a call for schools to step in and assist those whose need for belonging is unmet. LGBT+ youth are especially vulnerable. One study found that 85% of them reported being harassed at school. Educators must respond by making sure all kids in school are accepted for who they are.

Key Takeaways:

  • One developmental psychologist once said that every child needs a parent who is irrationally crazy about them.
  • If a family cannot meet a child’s need for belonging, schools should provide it.
  • One study found that 85% of LGBT+ youth have been harassed at school.

“How about those whose sense of belonging is stripped from them at school because of how they self-identify?”

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