PBIS in Trauma-Informed Resilience-Focused Schools

The PBIS system, contrary to the beliefs of many educators, could and should be modified for different schools based on the needs. The system can take different forms and is possible to integrate with other programs. In schools that are focused on resilience, individual needs of children should be taken account, and the PBIS system could be incorporated with focus on regulation and relationships. The latter is very important as it is more complex than just building a rapport. The environment should be adapted by using the behavior which provides clues, and this should be done for each individual student.

Key Takeaways:

  • Whatever form it takes, Positive Behavior Supports & Interventions shouldn’t focus on rewards and punishments.
  • PBIS uses positive reinforcement, builds relationships, and rewards the whole class rather than just a few.
  • Ask what is driving a student’s behavior, and what private logic might be causing it.

“The reality is that PBIS can, in fact, take many forms. It can even be integrated with other areas of focus. Trauma-informed, resilience-focused schools look at the needs of each child.”

Read more: https://starr.org/pbis-in-trauma-informed-resilience-focused-schools/

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