Interoception: A Key to Wellbeing | Dr. Arielle Schwartz

Mindful body awareness is a good way to liven your existence. By learning how to listen to your inner self, it gives you motivation to trust and listen to your gut instincts. This process, known as interoception, can be seen as a sixth sense according to Dr. Stephen Porges. Interoception is a product of our vegus nerve, which takes all of the sensory cues we come across, and sends them to our brains. Listening to these internal cues can help people in all aspects of their lives, from health to relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interoception is a sensory feedback system with receptors in the heart, stomach, intestines, liver, and other organs.
  • It may be hard to draw your attention away from your environment, but it helps if you cultivate dual awareness.
  • To practice interoception, try closing your eyes and noticing your heartbeat and your breathing.

“When you pay attention to your internal feedback, you not only enhance your emotional intelligence but can learn to carry this wisdom into the world in a manner that enhances your health and relationships.”

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