New Courses For Staff Working In Residential Children’s Homes:

Accredited Trauma-Informed Behaviour Support Training

BILD ACT (RRN) Certified Training With A Proven Track Record Of Lowering Incident Levels By 80%

Choose The Right Course For Your Needs:

Access our courses either via Direct Delivery (one of our team trains your staff), or, via our Train the Trainer model.

Train The Trainer Course

Designed For: Residential Children’s Homes Staff

Content Delivery: Face to Face Course

Accreditation:  BILD Act do not certify Trainer courses, however, the courses your trainers will be able to run will qualify to be BILD Act (RRN) Certified.

Length Of Course:  8 Days

Your In-House Trainers Will Be Able To Teach: 

  • How To Identify And Understand The Impact Of Childhood Trauma And Unmet Attachment Needs.

  • How To Effectively De-Escalate Behaviours of Concern With Proven Therapeutic Strategies.

  • Guiding, Escorting, 1 & 2-Person Holds and Breakaways.

  • How To Navigate Post-Crisis Emotions While Creating A Supportive & Enjoyable Environment.

  • Deliver BILD ACT (RRN) Certified Courses for Your Teams

  • Plus, so much more

Trauma & Attachment Aware Behaviour Support Courses

Designed For:   Residential Children’s Homes Staff

Content Delivery: Direct Delivery (We Come To You) Face-to-Face Course

Length Of Course:  2, 3, or 4 Days 

Accreditation:  BILD Act (RRN – Restraint Reduction Network) Certified 

What Your Teams Will Learn: 

  • How To Define Behaviours Of Concern Through The Correct Therapeutic Lens And Respond Quickly And Accurately.

  • How To Navigate The Different Forms Of Aggression, Setting Events And Triggers.

  • A Full Break-Down Of Legal Context, Restrictive Practices, And Health Risks To Protect Both Yourself And The Child.

  • Guiding, Escorting, 1 & 2-Person Holds and Breakaways.

  • Plus, so much more

Simplified Recording & Reporting Course

Designed For:  Residential Children’s Homes Staff

Content Delivery: Face to Face & Virtual

Length Of Course: Interactive Course

What You Will Learn:

  • Our Exclusive And Proven 7-Step Formula To Quickly And Easily Produce High-Quality Reports Every Time.

  • How To Avoid Common Report Writing Mistakes And Effectively Communicate Why Intervention Was Both Required And Lawful.

  • How To Create Concise, Accurate, And Thorough Reports Every Time On Your Own Organisation's Unique Recording System.

  • Plus, so much more

Trusted By Leading Organisations Nation-Wide:

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Can’t Decide Which Course Is Right For You?

Contact Our Award-Winning Support Team For A Personalised Consultation Today: