Telephone: 01789 653575

We're Looking for Regulation 44 Visitors Who Want to Earn Additional Income

Your Invitation to Join Our Strategic Partner Programme - With ZERO Sign Up or Membership Fees

From the desk of Simon Gower,
Founder and CEO of +Proactive Approaches

Dear Regulation 44 Visitor,

My name is Simon Gower, and I’m the Founder and CEO of +Proactive Approaches.

Admittedly, I don’t expect that name to mean anything to you.

I’m no household name, and you may not have even heard of our company before today – despite the fact we’ve worked with over 500 Children’s Residential Homes and Schools across the UK since 2014. Just for interest value, I’ve worked in the sector since 1995, I’ve been a Registered Manager in both England and Wales and I’m also a qualified Social Worker.

But if you’re a Regulation 44 Visitor regularly undertaking inspections of Children’s Residential Homes in the UK, this could be the most crucial piece of new information you read this year.

However, before I detail how our Strategic Partner programme allows you to ethically and easily increase your average annual income – while simultaneously improving the conditions of the Homes under your remit – I have an important question for you:

Are you seeing the same issues in the Children's Homes you visit month after month - regardless of the recommendations you give them?

Because if you’re anything like the majority of Regulation 44 Visitors I speak with, you’re visiting the same homes every month and detailing the same problems in your report every time.

Things like:

  • High levels of physical intervention and growing incident numberswhich negatively affect both the children and staff…
  • Regular placement breakdownswhich see children bouncing from home to home…
  • Ever rising levels of staff stressresulting in burnout and a ‘revolving door’ of recruitment…
  • Toxic staff culture and empathy fatiguewhere previously positive staff end up blaming the children for their behaviour…
  • Low occupancy levelsdue to consistent staff turnover…

I’m sure it sometimes feels like Groundhog Day – where you could almost ‘copy and paste’ your report from last month, because all of the same problems still exist (or have gotten worse).

But what if things were different?

What if, instead of finding the same problems in the homes you visit each month, things started to improve with each visit?

Where instead of unchanged or ever growing problems, you were able to report:

  • Significantly lower incidents and physical intervention – because the majority of issues were being resolved before they had a chance to escalate…
  • Placement stability reaching record highs – giving children the consistency and stability they desperately need…
  • A culture of genuinely happy and engaged staff – where staff exhibited high levels of empathy, because the root cause of their stress was being addressed…
  • And the staff culture showed positive improvementwhere staff were talking about the children in a child-centred, therapeutic way, instead of a punitive way…

Would those changes make your role more fulfilling? And would it help both the children and the staff?

Because I can say with confidence that if I was running a Children’s Home, and you helped me achieve those results, you’d be top of my Christmas card list every year.

In fact, I’m fairly certain you’d soon be getting calls from other Children’s Homes asking you to conduct their Regulation 44 visits too! 

Introducing the +Proactive Approaches Strategic Partner Programme

With our Strategic Partner programme, you’re empowered to systematically improve the conditions of the Children’s Homes you visit, while simultaneously earning year-long commission in exchange for introducing those homes to the +Proactive Approaches range of BILD Act (RRN) certified, trauma-informed, and attachment aware behaviour support courses.

With the Strategic Partner programme, we’ll pay you 10% commission on any courses purchased by Children’s Homes you introduce to us.

Better yet, we’ll pay you 10% commission on any purchases made by the Homes and Organisations you introduce to us for an entire year – backed up with a straightforward legal contract that ensures you receive the commission you deserve.

As a quick example for you, based on typical results, introducing just 11 Homes to +Proactive Approaches will result in annual commission payments totalling £17,610

However, there’s no limit on your potential commission, meaning the more Homes and Organisations you refer, the greater your commission.

Introducing Homes and Organisations to our range of trauma-informed courses couldn’t be easier.

Once you’re registered, you’ll get instant access to our Strategic Partner platform, where you’ll find your unique referral link, outreach templates, and social media posts you can use.

Better yet, once you’ve shared your unique referral link, we’ll take care of everything else with our ‘tried and tested’ follow up sequences.

You’ll be notified as soon as one of your referrals purchases from us, meaning all that’s left for you to do is take the plaudits for the great results they experience and invoice us for your commission.

How Does +Proactive Approaches Deliver Results?

Our courses go beyond simply sharing information. Instead, we empower the staff in Children’s Homes to think deeply about their culture and make suitable and impactful changes that delivery tangible results.

After all, the language staff use to describe children will affect how they think about them, and subsequently how they treat them.

We’ve reverse-engineered the process and our courses challenge staff to change culture in a positive way, resulting in happier children and fewer issues for you to report on.

Who are +Proactive Approaches?

+ProActive Approaches is BILD Act certified under the RRN (Restraint Reduction Network) training standards and delivers behaviour support training and consultancy in schools, social care settings (for both children and adults settings), as well as fostering agencies, staffing agencies and NHS provisions. We have even delivered training for the community coaches at Manchester United football club and the Air Ambulance!

In line with our mission statement, our goal is to enhance the quality of life for everyone with a compelling emphasis on the benefits of healthy, therapeutic relationships

We do this by delivering trauma, attachment and research-informed education with a strong focus on reducing restrictive practices & restraint (#AimingForZero).

Trusted by:


Reduction in Incidents

“This programme and the train the trainer programme ensures that my homes have access to such a comprehensive and well-rounded programme that absolutely mirrors our own values.

It is aligned to our attachment and trauma-informed approach which means that the children within our service can be assured of the best quality, psychologically informed support. It enables adults to remain attuned and therefore reduces the levels of distress experienced by the children. This translates directly as a reduction in incidents”.

Helen Hoggins, Head of Residential, Five Rivers Childcare

Giving staff the skills

“I highly recommend Proactive Approaches. It totally delivers in one package. My whole team enthuse about this training and it never fails to inspire. Their focus on understanding trauma, and the physiological and psychological impact this has, combined with effective attachment-aware trauma-informed approaches goes beyond any other behaviour support programme.

I love the way they have combined theory and trauma-informed strategies, giving staff the skills and tools they need for working with children who require high levels of support“.

Sharon Broadley, Registered Manager, The Ryes Children’s Homes

Outstanding Behaviour Outcome

“…Ofsted was very successful, I am very pleased with the judgement. I have always known that we are on a journey that would take five years. So with two years complete, we have made remarkable progress.

Once again, thank you for all your help and support. What you’ve brought to the organisation is what Aristotle would call Phonesis – the complicated interplay between theory and practical judgement. Thank you”.

Graham Maher, Head Teacher, St Edwards School, Romsey, Hampshire.

QWho can I contact?

A – Firstly, the Homes and Organisations you already support and complete Reg 44 visits for, but anyone who you think will benefit from accessing trauma-informed and attachment-aware training that is also BILD Act (RRN) Certified.

Or, said another way, anyone who supports humans (small ones or big ones) who become stressed, anxious or angry which causes the people doing the support to become stressed.

Think ex-colleagues, contacts on Linkedin, an uncle, an aunt, a friend, or a friend of a friend that works in a school, a care home (children’s or adults), a staffing agency or in the NHS.

The list and the potential are pretty much endless.

QHow and when do I get paid?
A Firstly, you’ll get an automatic update from the online system when one of your referrals converts. We will then contact you with the exact commission value which you can then invoice us for. Commission payments will then be paid within 14 days of the customer paying for their training. Our T&Cs state that all courses must be paid prior to delivery so you won’t have to wait 30 days or 60 days or any crazy 90 days waiting for someone to pay. So the short version is you get paid monthly.
QHow long do I get paid for each referral?
A 12 months from the first payment that they make.
So anything that they purchase during the first 12 months gets attributed to you and you receive a 10% commission.
QDo you supply templates and resources to make the outreach really easy?
AYes! All of the resources for you to use are already available, you could start sending messages to contacts today!

We have created emails, social media messages and images for you to use, you can also tweak the messages as you see fit. The more personal you can make each message the better!

If you need additional materials, we will be able to supply them for you. You’ll have Nick’s direct email address and he’ll be able to support you with that.

QDo I have to do anything once my contacts have clicked on the links that I send?

ANO! We take care of everything from that point. Once they have requested information and booked, you only have to do two things, send us an invoice, and get paid!

QHow is the programme managed?

AThe Strategic Partner Programme is managed firstly by our dedicated Programme manager Nick. Secondly, the programme uses an online system to track all of the links that you send to people to ensure that referrals are accurately attributed to you.

You will have access to the online system so you’ll be able to see how many links have been clicked and how many referrals have happened.

QDo I have to declare this money as income?

A – Commission pay falls under taxable income and you are therefore advised to seek guidance from an accountant as to how this tax is paid.

QI’ve got a couple of questions to ask before I sign up, can I talk to someone?

AYes, of course. click the button below and you can select a time and date to suit you.

QSounds great, I’m in, how do I get started?

ASimply Click the buton below to sign up for the programme.

The button will open a simple form that takes about 15 seconds to complete, we will then send you a link via email to sign the agreement.

Once that’s signed, we’ll instantly send you the link to access the online portal where you can access your own personal links and start sending messages.

We are looking forward to you becoming a Strategic Partner!

Our goal is to enhance quality of life for everyone with a compelling emphasis on the benefits of healthy, therapeutic relationships. We do this by delivering trauma and research-informed, attachment aware education with a strong focus on reducing restrictive practices & restraint (#AimingForZero).