Gary Collins (RGN)

Gary has been qualified (Registered General Nurse) for 32 years with experience in medical, surgical and trauma settings. He was the Clinical Practice Development Nurse for a large General Hospital in the North West with responsibility for supporting over 2500 staff dealing with violence and aggression in all clinical settings.

Gary has worked as a physical intervention instructor since 2002. After leaving the NHS, he worked as a Principal Trainer for an organisation that delivered BILD Accredited Behaviour Support training and worked extensively in the adolescent Secure Estate. During this time, he also delivered Clinical Holding Training for the staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital, as well as consultancy work for Young Epilepsy and a number of Adult Social Care provisions in relation to the application of physical skills for clinical procedures. This included NG Feeds, taking bloods and Venepuncture & Cannulation.

Gary then spent 8 years as a Senior Instructor for a well-known organisation that delivers scenario-based, Trauma Management Training for armed Police and public order Medics. Many of the lessons learned during this period have been applied to the +ProActive Approaches courses. This includes the fact that the courses are not only instructional but also realistic.

Gary continues to deliver clinical skills training in a number of clinical settings in both Primary and Secondary Care, including both General and Psychiatric.

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